An effective email newsletter is a powerful tool in your marketing armoury. It is an opportunity to communicate with existing and potential customers on a regular basis to build trust and share your story.
The average person receives 121 emails a day meaning there is a lot of competition for the attention of a user when you hit their inbox.
Here are 7 tips for creating an effective email newsletter.
Use An Enticing Email Subject Heading
An effective newsletter must have a subject heading that generates enough interest to get the email opened.
Be careful though subject headings can lead to emails being treated as spam and sent straight to the user’s junk making the likelihood of it being opened almost zero.
Check your subject line header here –
Share Relevant Information and Knowledge
An email newsletter is designed to inform and educate people with an interest in your business, product or service. So make sure that you consider whether readers will find the stories and information you include creates a positive impression of your business.
Use Images
Well placed, relevant images within your newsletter will make it more appealing to your audience and more likely to be read by those that use preview panes to filter their emails.
Images do more than break up the text, they increase the engagement that a reader will have with the content and the chances that a reader will follow a call to action.
Make Sure The Newsletter Is Easy to navigate
An effective email newsletter should be visually uncluttered and easy to navigate; this allows readers to scan content quickly and focus in on specific content which is of interest.
Clear Calls To Action
The goal of an effective newsletter is not to put all the information in the email, but to create interesting snippets that encourage users to visit your website to find out more.
Calls to action could point users to blog posts, product pages or even checkouts to buy immediately.
Keep Your Newsletter Short and To The Point
Attention spans when reading emails are short, so avoid long and/or wordy emails.
A paragraph of information paired with a clear call to action per subject will encourage readers to visit your site without losing their attention.
Don’t Oversell
Businesses are bombarded with sales emails every day, to be effective your email needs to offer more than just a sales pitch. Avoid the temptation to fill your email with offers and sales pitches, let your content and knowledge do the work for you.
We work with many of our customers and create and help to send their regular emails via our email marketing service. Contact us to ask how we can help with yours