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Ultimate PHP, HTML5 & Ajax Contact Form(Bootstrap Edition)

Posted 8 years ago


Ultimate PHP, HTML5 & AJAX Contact Form (bootstrap edition)Ultimate PHP, HTML5, & Ajax Contact Form (bootstrap edition) submitted

One of our most popular CodeCanyon products just got a big brother. After the successful release and reception of our Ultimate PHP, HTML5 & Ajax Contact Form, and repeated requests to add Bootstrap support, we’re releasing our “Bootstrap Edition” of the product.

Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web. Lots of developers love it.

Why haven’t we just updated the original product?
Simply put, not everyone wants to build websites with Bootstrap, so having a Bootstrap-only version of the form makes perfect sense.

The form’s HTML has been updated to make use of Bootstrap’s “grid” CSS classes and form controls.
These can be modified to layout your form however you wish using the grid classes that Bootstrap provides.

We also removed all custom CSS from our previous form in favor of inheriting Bootstrap’s default styling and the ability for you to use Bootstrap Themes.

Additionally, we’ve added a new, animated progress bar when uploading files. Bootstrap provides a few different progress bar styles, which can be used by changing the CSS class.

So there you have it, a new, Bootstrap-ready contact form for your enjoyment.

Buy a copy now

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